The sports day: Pechstein friend quits the national coach

imago0018409841h.jpg "data-src =" "class =" lazyload "/></picture><figcaption><p class=Grosse and Pechstein don't have too many friends in German speed skating.

(Photo: imago images / photoarena / Eisenhuth)

The dispute has been smoldering for a long time: "A national coach who describes the application for the highest office of the DESG as a joke and finds the most successful German speed skater Claudia Pechstein 'vomiting' does not belong in this office", said Matthias Große about the speed skating- National coach Erik Bouwman said. Große is now the provisional president of the DESG – and Bouwman will soon no longer be in office.

  • The Dutchman had been informed in writing that his employment contract ended on July 31, said Große, who is Pechstein's partner.
  • No decision has yet been made about working with sports director Matthias Kulik. "The sports director didn't think it was necessary to talk to me," said Große. "I do my job, I build my system and create facts," explained the Berlin real estate manager.

. (tagsToTranslate) The (t) sports day (t) Pechstein friend (t) national coach