the State encourages carpooling by covering 50% of the A14 toll

The State will cover 50% of the toll price on the A14 motorway for carpoolers during the closure of a section of the A13 motorway near Paris, announced Tuesday April 30 to Agence France- Press (AFP) the Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergriete. The measure will apply from two people in a vehicle and “until the date of return to service of the A13”, said the minister. The technical details of the reduction have not yet been specified for motorists.

A free portion of the A13, located between the Paris ring road and the A86, has been closed since April 18 for security reasons following “ground movements”. It must reopen gradually, from Saturday May 11 in the Province-Paris direction. No date has yet been given for the Paris-Province direction.

In the meantime, the A14 − toll motorway − serves as an alternative route for some motorists, but the normal fare is 10.60 euros (6.40 euros from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. on weekdays ).

Read also | A13 closed: the portion will reopen on May 11 in one direction, towards Paris

Promotional offers from carpooling platforms

The free use of the A14 − operated by SAPN, a subsidiary of the Sanef group − was ruled out because“we had the feeling that free access would increase the difficulty”risking causing “an additional request”.

Additionally, three carpooling platforms (BlaBlaCar, Karos and Ynstant) “are committed to making promotional offers, up to and including free”added Patrice Vergriete. “We really wanted to encourage carpooling because it’s a solution to today’s problem”he argued.

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The World with AFP

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