the struggle of his parents

Eléonore is a 2-year-old girl born with a rare defect: microtia. This means that she does not have a right ear. In order for her to be operated on in the United States, her parents are fighting a hard fight.

Eléonore is a 2-year-old girl who lives in Lyon, in the Rhône. When she was born in March 2019, she had a rare defect, microtia. Concretely, the girl was born without a right ear. For many months now, her parents have been fighting so that she can benefit from cosmetic and functional surgery that could allow their daughter not only to have an ear, but also to regain hearing to a certain extent. The problem is that the intervention can only take place in the United States, and it costs 85,000 euros.

The parents therefore created the association An ear for Eléonore. On social networks, the photos of the adorable little girl are numerous and allow them to tell about their daughter’s daily life: the hearing aids she does not want to wear, her words in sign language, her return to nursery, her birthday … But also to inform about microtia and call for donations to be able to pay for the operation of their daughter.

Eleanor’s parents have already collected a good part of the sum, with 41,000 euros already set aside to pay for the trip and the operation. A surge of solidarity that deeply moves her mother, Marjorie Petricca. “41,000 euros is already incredible, because the year has been complicated for everyone”, she confides to Parisian. Many events have been canceled in recent months, but the family is not giving up and has organized a charity football tournament in Isère. She also created a virtual race on HelloAsso, whose registration costs 5 euros, everyone can participate on foot or by bike. “The idea is that people post the photo of their race on social networks and that it becomes a bit viral with #bougeonspoureleonore”, explains his mother.

A time slot has already been reserved in August 2022 for Éléonore to be operated on, and her parents hope that the operation may well take place. Because they want their daughter to be operated on and her convalescence to be completed before entering school, in September 2022. “We want to do things quickly so that she does not have to suffer school bullying linked to her difference”, testifies his mother.

Melody Capronnier

Journalist passionate about current affairs, committed to women’s rights and ecology, Mélodie handles the news for you on Sundays and public holidays. When she’s not on the lookout …