“The Ten Commandments”: the cult musical adapted for Broadway

More than 20 years after its creation in Paris, the phenomenon musical “The Ten Commandments” is about to invest Broadway.

Created in October 2000 by director Elie Chouraqui, the show, translated into English, will be given in New York next May. A new consecration for this show phenomenon, set to music by Pascal Obispo and greeted by more than three million spectators in Europe. Under the leadership of David Serero, baritone and French producer based in New York, who signs the adaptation in the language of Shakespeare, the musical therefore sets off to attack the American public.

Considered by David Serero, as a show “which will remain forever in the history of French musicals”, he explains wanting to adapt this work “to the American public, which has an established musical theater culture”. And to continue: “I know it will be a success because no one in the world can remain indifferent to this story and this exceptional music”. The artist, who will also play the role of Moses on stage, intends to “install this important work in the repertoire of American musical theater, and that it be performed throughout the United States and in English-speaking countries”.

America, A consecration

A project which received the blessing of the filmmaker Elie Chouraqui, who said he was “delighted and honored that (his) show” Les Dix Commandements “, with the magnificent music of Pascal Obispo, is finally adapted for New York, the capital of musical comedies. After playing it in France, Europe and Asia, America is the accomplishment of a lifetime. I must thank David Serero for his enthusiasm, his strength and his unquenchable desire to bring this musical to Broadway “, shared the director, to whom we owe in particular the feature films” Man on fire “,” The marmots “,” Harrison’s Flower “or even” O Jerusalem “.

As the show debuts Off-Broadway in the spring, the first English-language single, “The Maximum Pain” has been unveiled.

As a reminder, French creation brought together a host of artists. Besides Elie Chouraqui and Pascal Obispo, Kamel Ouali signed the choreographies and Sonia Rykiel, the costumes. The show has counted among its most emblematic hits the title “The desire to love”, rewarded in 2001 with the title of song of the year, at the 16th edition of the Victoires de la musique. A song that has also already been performed in English by Celine Dion.

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