The ten scandals of the year 2021

De the overwhelming report on sex crimes in the Church to the trafficking of fake health passes; from the assault on the Capitol by pro-Trump activists to the Duhamel affair … Point makes you relive the ten scandals which have enamelled, in France and abroad, the year which has just passed.

Complaints against Yannick Agnel, Nicolas Hulot and PPDA

Earthquakes in the sports, political and media spheres. Four years after the launch of the #MeToo movement, in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein affair in the United States, the filing of complaints against public figures has multiplied this year in France. Against the former Olympic swimming champion Yannick Agnel, for rape and sexual assault on a minor; former minister Nicolas Hulot, for rape; or the former journalist Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, via two new complaints for rape and sexual assault.

Cheating in “Koh-Lanta”

Scandal in Polynesia. Koh-Lanta: the legend, anniversary edition broadcast twenty years after the first episode – and bringing together about 4 million viewers each week – was marred by cheating, adventurers having obtained rations of food from outside. A gesture contrary to the rules of the game emblematic and that the production (ALP) has qualified as “infringement of fairness between the candidates”. And following which she took the unprecedented decision, on December 14, not to crown any winner.

READ ALSOWhat does the France of “Koh-Lanta” look like

Boris Johnson leaves COP26 by private jet

It’s a trip that went badly. After his last intervention at the COP26 in Glasgow, on November 3, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, returned to London, in a hurry, in a private jet, to join a dinner which included among the guests the climate-skeptic journalist Charles Moore. Behavior perceived as contradictory with the measures just pleaded against global warming and deemed “shocking” across the Channel.

Traffic in fake health passes

182,000 false passes seized, 400 investigations opened and around a hundred arrests carried out. Investigations are intensifying to identify sellers of fake health passes and bring down the channels. But getting one remains, for the time being, child’s play. And a dangerous game. A 57-year-old patient lost her life on October 30 in a Hauts-de-Seine hospital after concealing from doctors the fact that she was not vaccinated, contrary to what her fake pass certified.

Alec Baldwin: drama on set

Shock wave in Hollywood. Thursday, October 21, on the set of the western Rust, in New Mexico, Alec Baldwin, 63, accidentally killed operator Halyna Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza while handling a firearm in front of the camera. “There are no words to express my shock and sadness at the tragic accident which [lui] cost the life ”, will express the actor a few hours after the accident. A twist of fate for this anti-gun activist and a drama that opened the debate on the use of real firearms in cinema.

READ ALSOAlec Baldwin affair: “We make cinema, not war”

Sexual crimes: explosion in the Church

The damning report of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (Ciase) published on October 5, in France, revealed that 330,000 people, now adults, had been sexually assaulted by a priest, a religious or a layman in ecclesial mission since 1950. The episcopate, which has recognized the “institutional responsibility” and the “systemic dimension” of the facts, does not exclude having to part with some of his prestige goods, within the framework of the mechanism reparation for victims.

Ida: New York underwater

Cascades of water in the stairs of the subway, streets turned into rivers … New Yorkers shared on social networks striking images of the damage caused by the remains of Hurricane Ida, which came from the northeast of the country and has caused the death of 44 people. 80 millimeters of rain fell in one hour, on the night of the 1er on September 2, causing unprecedented flooding in the city – submerging several neighborhoods like Brooklyn and Queens – and forcing the governor of New York to declare a state of emergency.

Clandestine confined dinners

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and while the restaurants of France have lowered the curtain, the M6 ​​television news broadcast, on April 2, a subject on the existence of high-end clandestine dinners organized in Paris, at the palace Vivienne, a private mansion owned by the collector Pierre-Jean Chalençon. The latter – who will claim to have received ministers before retracting – will be placed in police custody with his cook Christophe Leroy, after opening a criminal investigation for “hidden work” and “endangering the lives of others” .

READ ALSOClandestine dinners: the executive faced with the poison of rumor

Olivier Duhamel case

The charges of incest, committed on his brother Victor by the political scientist Olivier Duhamel, contained in Camille Kouchner’s book La Familia grande, published in January, led to the opening of an investigation for “rape and sexual assault by person in authority over a minor of 15 years”. Closed for prescription, the case had pushed the editorial writer and president of the National Foundation of Political Sciences (FNSP) – who had admitted the facts – to resign from all his functions. And revived the debate on the prescription of sexual assaults committed against minors.

Pro-Trump activists storm the Capitol

Scenes of chaos in Washington DC. On Wednesday January 6, thousands of supporters of Donald Trump gathered on Capitol Hill, during the session formalizing the victory of Joe Biden in the US presidential election. Galvanized by the outgoing president calling on them “never to concede defeat”, several dozen of them broke into the ultra-secure building in order to have the certification of results canceled. Unprecedented riots which ended with the death of six people.

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