the trick to eating rice without causing a blood sugar spike that causes weight gain

Eating starchy foods causes blood sugar levels to skyrocket, making you gain weight. Fortunately, there is a trick to limiting this effect on your blood sugar when you eat rice. It’s a doctor who says it!

Starchy foods like rice are foods rich in carbohydrates which, like industrial biscuits and pasta (although some are worse for blood sugar than others), tend to make you gain weight, because they radically increase the blood glucose level within 2 hours of eating the meal. To deal with this excess sugar in the intestine, which then passes into the blood, our body will secrete a lot of insulin. Then follows a drastic drop in blood sugar levels which causes fatigue and cravings, just like after eating pastries for breakfast or fast food in the evening.

To avoid this problem when you eat rice, you must of course monitor the recommended amounts of starchy foods so as not to exceed them. But this does not completely protect us from the famous blood sugar spike. According to doctor and biochemist Jessie Inchauspé, you can also monitor the temperature of your starchy foods And season your rice in an original way to reduce the glucose peak after eating rice, as she reveals in one of her posts on the social network.

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Blood sugar: how to eat your rice to avoid gaining weight and having a spike in blood glucose?

The queen of glucose, better known as @glucosegoddess on Instagram, invites you to “combine hacks” nutrition to be able to eat starchy foods without restriction. For her, you should first “cool your starchy foods” because this lowers the glycemic index of your rice. However, rice which has a lower glycemic index causes a lower peak of glucose in the blood, and will therefore make you gain less weight. In addition to eating your rice at room temperature rather than boiling hot, the doctor also recommends that you season your portion of rice with a little rice vinegar to reduce the famous blood sugar spike that causes weight gain. This type of rice wine vinegar is usually used as a condiment for foods and goes very well with rice. “Added to your food”it helps reduce the blood sugar spike that occurs when you eat rice because the acetic acid in vinegar helps muscles absorb glucose more quickly and mitochondria burn fat, the expert warns.

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