the very astonishing request of Nicolas Sarkozy the evening of their meeting

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This daring request from Nicolas Sarkozy to Carla Bruni finally revealed… Jacques Séguéla tells everything in his autobiography!

Fourteen years of love and a first meeting that everyone knows and which also caused a lot of talk at the time. Indeed, this first approach between Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni made sparks. Beautiful sparks full of passion that they couldn’t resist. The former President of the Republic and the supermodel very quickly became a couple and barely 3 months later, they even got married. On the occasion of the release of his autobiography, 90 years of love, published by Plon editions, Jacques Séguéla returns at length to this famous first meeting between Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni, and reveals in particular a little anecdote unknown until then. Indeed, the famous 88-year-old advertiser says in his book that during this dinner which took place in November 2007 in Marnes-la-Coquette, the 67-year-old politician would not have hesitated to make a daring request, whispered in the ear of the 54-year-old singer. A little secret exchange that Carla Bruni has always refused to tell. But it was without counting on Jacques Séguéla who takes care of it today! Indeed, the latter explains that the day after this very popular private dinner, he had his friend Nicolas Sarkozy on the phone, and he could not help but play the curious by asking him “to confess his whisper” to the model. This is how we learn that the ex-husband of Cécilia Attias whispered: “Carla, are you ready, at this moment, in front of everyone, to kiss me on the mouth? … Just that!A daring request, which the star will decline, to better offer him tons of others later.

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A couple that lasts

After Cupid’s masterstroke in November 2007, Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy finally said “yes” to each other on February 2, 2008, in the Salon Vert, on the first floor of the Élysée Palace, opposite the mayor of the 8th district of Paris at the time, François Lebel. The couple then welcomed a little girl, Giulia, born on October 19, 2011 at the La Muette clinic in Paris and has since been in perfect love. The supermodel is also the mother of a boy, Aurélien, aged 21, the fruit of her love with the philosopher Raphaël Enthoven. Nicolas Sarkozy meanwhile, is also the father of three boys: Pierre and Jean, born of his marriage to Marie-Dominique Culioli, his first wife, and Louis, born of his union with Cécilia Attias.

Nadia Benleulmi

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