the viral trend of lemon coffee is dangerous for your body


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The coffee / lemon cocktail at the coast on social networks: it would allow you to lose weight in record time. Experts point the finger at this recipe which could be dangerous.

It’s a mix that you see everywhere on social media, especially TikTok. Many people of all ages and nationalities film themselves making the so-called recipe “miracle” and compare their body before having drunk the drink, then a few days after. “I lost 5 kilos in 1 week”, “I lost pounds without sport and without dieting, just by drinking coffee and lemon in the morning.”.. These comments flourish on the social network: coffee associated with lemon would have “incredible slimming virtues”.

Except that no scientific evidence has been published to support this claim. “There is absolutely no scientific basis for saying there would be any significant weight loss benefit from mixing the two,” indicates Cécile Bétry, doctor and researcher in nutrition at theAFP. If coffee has virtues such as your antioxidant content and lemon has qualities such as its vitamin C content, there is no study that shows that lemon alone or coffee alone makes you lose weight.

A “slimming” tip that is dangerous for health

For his part, the president of the Francophone Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (SFNCM), Prof. Pierre Dechelotte, is concerned with AFP: “It’s nutritional roulette to use this kind of process.” Combining these two ingredients can be “aggressive for the mucosa” stomach and cause “digestive disorders as well as bringing to cut singularly the hunger”. Weight loss therefore comes from this dangerous appetite suppressant effect. The person is not eating enough and this can cause deficiencies if certain foods are not eaten, fatigue … In short, this tendency will not help you lose weight other than by giving you the impression that you are don’t need to eat, which is wrong!

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