The Witcher 3 still has huge surprises in store for you

The Witcher 3 has been available for many years, but it seems that a secret is still well kept in the RPG. Explanations in detail.

Marcin Blacha, narrative director at CD Projekt Red (CDPR) and a key figure behind The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, recently revealed some intriguing information. The games would still have secrets to reveal.

The Witcher 3 still has surprises

We can therefore learn that some of the best Easter eggs in these games have still not been discovered. It was in a recent podcast with other developers that Blacha discussed CDPR’s approach to easter eggs. He explains that these elements are not planned in advance, but often emerge spontaneously during game development. Sometimes these ideas captivate the team so much that they turn into something spectacular.

Blacha admits that her favorite Easter eggs in the games are still secret and have not been discovered to date. He highlights their difficulty in being found and chooses not to divulge more, leaving their nature and location a mystery. It also does not specify in which game these easter eggs are found, leaving open all the possibilities between Cyberpunk 2077 and the different games in The Witcher series.

Big secrets

Tomasz Marchewka, co-narrative director at CDPR, also shares his thoughts on Easter eggs. Although he recognizes their interest, he notes that they can sometimes become intrusive and break the immersion. This leads Blacha to explain that Easter eggs represent a way for developers to create a direct and personal connection with players. For example, a developer might include a Doctor Who-related Easter egg out of personal affection for the series, thereby establishing a special connection with players who share that same interest.

This revelation from Blacha undoubtedly stimulated the interest and curiosity of The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 communities, prompting them to redouble their efforts to discover these mysterious secrets. These hidden elements in games aren’t just fun nods or cultural references, but also ways for developers to share a part of themselves with the gaming community. We can expect videos on the subject in the coming weeks. It remains to be seen when…

Well-known secrets include Wilhelm’s cry in Skyrim and the visit of aliens in Red Dead Redemption 2… It is obvious that the developers like to show humor and creativity. This is rather good news.

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