The world after needs associations

Delivered. After the 2008 crisis, a “world of tomorrow” was on everyone’s lips, with the idea that nothing could be the same again, that the dictatorship of the market and of finance had to end. Unfortunately, it was austerity policies that followed these incantations, accentuating social inequalities and paving the way for uninhibited populist theses.

A massive stimulus to regain growth points cannot constitute a satisfactory response to a situation whose effects were felt long before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic at the start of 2020. “In order to avoid perpetuating too well-known patterns, a change in the reading grid of the good health of a society is essential. In this project, both structural and cultural, the associative world can be a force of proposal and assert its specificity ”, we read in What associative world tomorrow?, under the direction of Patricia Coler, Marie-Catherine Henry, Jean-Louis Laville and Gilles Rouby.

The book, resulting from participatory research combining the reflections between researchers and associative actors from various sectors, offers a set of analyzes to think about the future of the associative world. The texts are articulated around two scenarios, one leading to the weakening of this environment and the other to its strengthening.

Emergency management

The texts are part of the particular moment of the crisis linked to the pandemic, which once again highlighted the inventiveness of associations to organize solidarity, overcome the failures and the limits of the action of institutions. public.

But in this crisis, associations were confined to an emergency management role: the reflexivity and agility they have shown in the areas of food aid, personal service and so many others. “Have not been the subject of any real recognition or much media coverage, while the manifestations of solidarity more related to philanthropy from various large companies figured prominently in the media.”

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also The associative world hit hard by the crisis linked to Covid-19

The 100 billion euro stimulus plan announced by the government in September 2020 has forgotten the associations. “As if their action went without saying, as if they were only the expression of an ephemeral solidarity without being able themselves to claim to be part of the great national concert. “

Facing the advent of social business

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