the YouTuber Marvel Fitness facing justice

This Monday, the judgment of Marvel Fitness opens before the Criminal Court of Versailles (Yvelines). The youtubeur is accused of having harassed eight "influencers" and their lawyer on social networks.

Behind the man with 146,000 subscribers hides a very dark part. The youtubeur Marvel Fitness, whose real name is Habannou S, is referred to the correctional chamber of the Versailles tribunal de grande instance, reports The world. The latter is accused of ""sending hateful, insulting or insulting messages resulting in deterioration of living conditions and deterioration of the physical or mental health of the victims ", "sending of repeated malicious messages in order to disturb the peace " and "violence against lawyers ". He faces a three-year prison sentence and a € 45,000 fine.

Posting fitness tips early in the creation of his account, the man is said to have turned into harsh criticism of other influencers and some athletes.

"He calls our exes, our loved ones, our family, it is a business of destruction on a professional and personal level", confided to World the plaintiff's lawyer, claiming to be a victim, also of the Youtubeur. "Every morning I get up with a lump in my stomach because I don't know what I'm going to receive, sometimes I don't even dare to look at my phone", she adds.

A total of six women and three men accuse him of highly violent online harassment, some for months for some people.

It all started for Laure-Alice Bouvier in March 2019. One of the alleged victims contacted the Youtubeur regarding a video where racist remarks were made. The lawyer sends a warning letter to Marvel Fitness and the next day she is attacked in a video.

"From that point on, I didn't have a single moment's rest", she explains to World.

The newspaper explains that in addition to sending attacks head-on, it asks its community to do the same, by redistributing the insults sent, for example. "I count on you to go gang bang in comment ", addressed to his Marvel Fitness followers, with the aim of harassing a complainant.

Habannou S. denies the harassment facts before the investigators, "It's still what we call 'drama', clash via social media ", he said in his hearing on August 8, 2019. Contacted by The world, Marc Goudarzian, his lawyer, "intends to seek release and considers that the charges fall within the scope of freedom of expression and press law."

The #NousToutes collective is today organizing a rally in support of victims of cyberstalking, in front of the court of Versailles.

What to do when you are a victim of cyberstalking?

The site recalls that "lhe harassment via the internet (emails, social networks, etc.) is called cyberstalking. It is a crime. If you are the victim of this type of harassment, you can request the removal of the publications from their author or from the electronic support manager. You can also make a report online to the police or the gendarmerie or file a complaint. This offense is punished by fines and / or imprisonment. The penalties are more severe if the victim is under 15 years old."

During cyberstalking, it is therefore necessary to contact the police via the police and gendarmerie service specialized in dealing with internet-related offenses.

While waiting for the opening of an investigation, collect the evidence of your harassment yourself, in particular by means of screenshots.

"A minor can go alone to the police station or the gendarmerie and report the facts. But he cannot become a civil party himself with a view to claiming damages, his parents must do so on his behalf. If the victim does not know the real identities of the author (s), he / she can file a complaint against X. The technical intermediaries must allow the courts to identify the author (s) of the content in question.", formula.

Internet violence: what fits into cyber-harassment

Video by Clara Poudevigne