Theft – series of burglaries in Vomperbach cleared up!

Since August 2020, there have been break-ins in a company in Vomperbach. Now the handcuffs clicked.

A company in Vomperbach has been the victim of a total of seven burglaries since August 2020. With two it was only an attempt. Cash and work equipment were stolen, and the damage ran into the thousands. But on October 28, 2021 the time had come and the police were able to snipe the perpetrator.

Burglar caught
At around 2 a.m., a company employee reported to the police that, as has so often been the case in recent months, a break-in had taken place. In the course of an immediate search by six police patrols, including a dog patrol, the perpetrator, a 42-year-old local, was arrested at the Vomperbach / Pill train station. The man admitted the break-ins.

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