Therapeutic part-time: what are the conditions to qualify for it? : Current Woman Le MAG

To return to work in optimal conditions, your doctor can then prescribe a part-time return, the contours of which he will define according to your needs. It can be half-time or 80% for example. And to obtain this accommodation, you must make a specific request.

In what cases can we request part-time therapeutic work?

Therapeutic part-time is a schedule arrangement which must therefore be prescribed by your treating doctor and accepted by your employer. In the event of refusal, he must inform you in writing of his reasons. He must also transmit them to occupational medicine.

To be compensated by the Primary Health Insurance Fund, you must send your request to the medical advisor who ensures that you meet the following two conditions:

  • maintaining or resuming your position as well as the work you perform must promote the improvement of your state of health;
  • you must undergo rehabilitation or vocational rehabilitation with the aim of finding a position compatible with your state of health.

If you meet these two conditions, then the CPAM will supplement the salary paid by your employer in proportion to your hours worked.

What are the steps to take to obtain it?

To obtain part-time therapeutic work, you must first have a medical certificate from your attending physician specifying your working time (50 or 80% for example). You must then request the agreement of your employer and establish with them the conditions of your return. This will then issue you with a certificate. You must then undergo a medical examination with the occupational doctor who declares you fit or unfit to resume work under the conditions provided. The last step consists of sending your doctor’s prescription and your employer’s certificate to the CPAM which will decide whether it will compensate you during your therapeutic half-time.

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