Therapeutic part-time: who decides working hours? : Current Woman Le MAG

After a work accident or an ordinary illness, your state of health may not allow you to return to your professional activity full time. Then comes therapeutic part-time work, a system which provides for total or partial maintenance of daily allowances paid in the event of returning to part-time work. This question must first be discussed between the patient and their treating physician. Formally, if he considers the implementation of therapeutic part-time work to be justified, the healthcare professional sends a request to the Social Security medical advisor. Therapeutic part-time work does not necessarily result in a transition to part-time work, it consists of a reduction in usual working time of the employee. As for hours, they are set freely, by agreement between the employer and the employee.

Hours set by the employer and employee

Health insurance explains on its website: “the duration and times of the therapeutic part-time work are not stopped by law. They are therefore to be defined [le] employee, in compliance with the prescriptions of the occupational doctor“. The hours decided must, however, respect the doctor’s prescriptions. The number of working hours is determined between 50% and 90% of those he was used to. Night work and atypical hours are not incompatible with the system, as long as it does not harm the employee’s recovery.

What is the maximum duration of a therapeutic part-time session?

L’article R323-3 of the Social Security Code provides that “the maximum duration, provided for in the first paragraph of article L323-3, during which, in the event of return to work, the daily allowance can be maintained by the fund cannot exceed by one year the period of three years provided for in article R323-1“Thus, the maximum duration of part-time therapeutic work depends on the exhaustion of sick leave rights preceding the request, explains France Info Santé in a report.

Can a therapeutic part-time employee take paid leave?

A part-time therapeutic employee has the same number of paid vacation days as an employee to full-time or part-time employees. His situation therefore has no impact on his leave which remains 2.5 days per month of actual work, or 30 working days for a year. Therefore, it is possible to take leave like any other employee in normal times.

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