Therapy for everyone! Why we should talk more about ourselves.

Therapy: a term from hell. He sounds sick, disturbed, as if you were on the verge of madness and going completely crazy. In my case it feels like this for a day, but I don't want people to think about me like that. Every time I use the word "therapy" I inevitably become quieter, mumble it to myself and don't want everyone to hear it.

Talking about it is actually not my problem …

… other people's thinking about it. I have my heart on my tongue, I have no problem letting others share my problems – on the contrary: a little more restraint would not be wrong in some situations. Often my feelings just pop out of me. I'm not good at endurance. Instead, the emotions that feel so bad inside me simply discharge. Sometimes too often and perhaps simply because it is easier for me to put up with someone than to endure myself. As with so many taboo topics, it is the same with talking about therapy: someone has to start. Suddenly the colleague, a friend or acquaintance tells that he or she has already undergone therapy, or that there are problems in various places and that therapy would certainly make sense.

And then suddenly you feel totally normal again

It's kind of terrifying and comforting at the same time. Because on the one hand you feel less like a strange mood of nature with rarity value, on the other hand it is of course bad to hear how many people are not doing so well. Then you wonder if that's life now. Perhaps it is also because we expect to be basically happy and satisfied. After all, this is supposed to be the normal state, which is then taken for granted. But hearing from others, "Hey, I was really shit, but I'm fine right now", might help and inspire confidence that even after a very bad low, a high can come again, you can't stay in it forever Trapped in the gray area and condemned to suffering.

To clean up. With yourself.

… and that takes courage. Depending on how big or small the problem is, a therapy first opens Pandora's box. Some things that have been ignored and suppressed for a long time then emerge and you have to dare to look and do something. Each of us has such a box full of embossments, injuries and fears that inhibit, that are strenuous, that were grinded from childhood and that impair in some way. Everyone has something in them that wants to be viewed. And if you have the courage to reflect, to treat, to coach, you can get a lot closer and learn a lot about yourself. That in turn would make our relationships better and connect us more again. For my part, I have decided to say it louder in the future that I will go to therapy. If that only encourages one person to get help, then it was worth it.