There are negative interest rates from the first cut

Small savers now have to be really brave. Or hide your money under the mattress. The Alternative Bank is the first bank in Switzerland to introduce negative interest rates from the first franc. The bank announced that it would tighten its regime from August 1st. Starting in August, a penalty of CHF 2.50 per year will be due for every CHF 1,000 of credit. This is reported by the “Tages-Anzeiger”.

So far, savers at the Alternative Bank with a credit balance of up to 50,000 francs and young people in training with a credit balance of 100,000 francs have been spared. After all, there will still be exceptions in the future. For example, for retirement and rental deposit accounts, savings and investment accounts for children up to CHF 75,000 and securities accounts up to CHF 500,000 and asset management mandates.