“There is indeed a common base capable of bringing together the whole of the ecological and social left”

Tribune. Is it possible, today, to bring together, in a common project, the legitimate aspirations of the climate generation, “yellow vests”, feminist and anti-racist movements, healthcare personnel, “duty workers”, as well as sympathizers of the political parties of the left and the ecology? Yes, this is the bet of the “2022 or never. For a popular primary ”which aims to put the question of justice back at the heart of public debate.

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Off the beaten track, struggles for justice are increasing. It is in his name that, everywhere, populations far removed from the militant or political field are mobilizing. After the worsening of inequalities caused by the reform of the solidarity tax on wealth, those of the labor law, pensions and unemployment insurance, after police violence and the setbacks on the Climate and Resilience law, the cup of injustice is full.

A real turning point

However, the humanist, environmental and social camp seems ready, one year before the presidential election, to condemn itself to the role of spectator. But there is no fatality here. Attempts at joint primaries before the presidential election were unsuccessful. Why ? Because too little time has been invested in the in-depth debates, to understand and think about the disagreements on the European Union, on ecology or on the institutions – but also, and above all, to identify the convergences and the horizons common to all these forms of activism.

For nearly a year, the Rencontre des justices, bringing together young activists, social entrepreneurs, actors from the social world, has implemented a method to unite populations who spoke too little to each other. From these meetings emerged many proposals on ecology, institutional reform, economic and social issues, all stemming from these associative movements which, from our suburbs, town centers or villages, testify to the strength of the desire for commitment to our country.

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For two months, the animators of the Meeting of the Justices have been discussing these proposals with the referents of the political parties of the humanist and ecological arena (starting with the ecologists, the “rebellious” and the socialists), to identify a common base of proposals that can be implemented during a term of office. To our knowledge, no such work had ever been done.

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