“There was a little thing” Kev Adams reveals he had a relationship with an ex of Leonardo DiCaprio

This Friday, August 25, 2023, Kev Adams was the guest of the program Chemin de traverse on France 3. The opportunity to learn more about his professional career but also about his intimacy and his past romantic relationships. The 32-year-old actor confessed to having shared a romance with an ex of Leonardo DiCaprio. A pride for the young man.

He is known for his unfailing sense of humor. But if Kev Adams can sometimes seem very comfortable and sure of himself on the screen or when he goes on stage, this does not prevent the comedian from feeding complexes and frustrations. “I have trouble with my mouth […]. I have trouble with my hair, I have trouble with my gap teeth, I have a very wide face, I have a double chin…”, he confided at the beginning of the year on the occasion of the release of the series Future.

If he believes that his physique does not correspond to the standards expected by the cinema industry, this did not prevent the 32-year-old actor from digging his hole in the middle. A detail which also seems not to have had any real consequences on the love life of Kev Adams, he who managed to bring down a former beauty queen, Iris Mittenaere, in his nets. A feat that does not take away the many complexes he has about his physique. This Friday, August 25, 2023, Kev Adams confided in Agathe Lecaron’s microphone on the show Side roads broadcast on France 3.

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Kev Adams: “It’s weird”

The opportunity for the comedian to confirm the many complexes from which he suffers. “I think I have pretty eyes”, he however nuanced. This is indeed the only physical trait that the young man seems to appreciate in him. However, this did not prevent him from having fulfilling romantic relationships. Indeed, the one who succumbed miss France And Miss Universe 2016 also have seduces an internationally renowned model. And not just any, since it is about Bar Refaeli.There was actually a little thing.”he said on the show with pride.

An adventure born on the sets of the film kidonby Emmanuel Naccache, in 2013. Something to give Kev Adams a common point with Leonardo DiCaprio, since the latter lived as a couple for six years with the Israeli model. “It’s nice”, he rejoiced. He may have managed to seduce some of the most beautiful women in the world, the actor is no less complex for all that.

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“The people you have affairs with have nothing to do with the image you have of yourself. Me, I could go out with all the most beautiful girls in the world, I will always be a little surprised, always a bit in ‘this is weird’ mode“, he confided in the show. A lack of self-confidence which stems from a childhood marked by school harassment and teasing about his weight.

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