Thermal strainer rental freeze comes into effect

The rents for housing with energy label F or G, the most energy-consuming, can no longer increase since Wednesday.

This is the first of a series of restrictions to come over the next few years.

Today, we cannot let people live in thermal sieves and not act in their favour, said the Minister Delegate for Housing, Olivier Klein, in a video posted on social networks. And to act in their favor is to block, rents from August 24, so that tenants are protected and owners are even more invited to carry out the necessary workcontinues the minister.

Labels F and G of the energy performance diagnosis (EPD) correspond to dwellings consuming more than 330 kilowatt hours per square meter per year or emitting more than 70 kg of CO2 equivalent per square meter per year. Or 17% of the stock of main residences in France.

Even more competr restrictions from January 1, 2023

In the next few years, new restrictions will come into force for owners of homes with poor ECD, in order to encourage them to improve it.

From January 2023, the worst thermal colanders, which consume more than 450 kilowatt hours per year per square meter (i.e. approximately 90,000 dwellings), rental will be purely and simply prohibited.

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In 2025, all class G housing will follow (i.e. 7% of the stock currently) then F in 2028 (10%) and E in 2034 (22%).

To achieve the climate objectives that France has set itself, the entire French housing stock must be transformed into low-energy buildings by 2050, roughly equivalent to categories A and B, which today represent 2 and 3% of the park respectively.

The use of buildings represents a fifth of France’s greenhouse gas emissions.

DPE: D-day for the blocking of the rents of thermal colanders

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