These 10 breastfeeding phrases that are unbearable

Breastfeeding women are the victims of many often unpleasant remarks. Just like women who don’t breastfeed after all…

As a woman, you have to have strong shoulders to resist all the remarks that you will hear during your life. And about motherhood or non-maternity, it’s worse! Breastfeeding or not, educational model, choice of first name, school… The list is long and everyone has a little say. Between parents it even becomes a competition sometimes, our child must be the first to walk, to be clean… In short, social pressure is often heavy to bear just like the mental load.

For breastfeeding, each woman, each family chooses how to do it. Whether breastfeeding lasts a long time or not, whether it goes well or not, everyone is free to choose. But that does not prevent grandparents sometimes or the close entourage to comment on your way of doing things! One thing is certain, if you have breastfed you have surely heard one of his phrases… And we don’t want to hear them anymore!

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