These 10 weird habits that prove you’re a smart person

What if certain habits could prove that you are an intelligent person? This is according to scientists who have revealed 10 strange habits that intelligent people are accustomed to. So are you concerned?

If there is one question that fascinates, it is knowing one’s intellectual potential. Although many tests exist, such as measuring IQ, certain forms of intelligence remain very difficult to measure. Indeed, being intelligent is not just about passing tests with flying colors or using an extra wide range of vocabulary. Having a high level of intelligence can in some cases manifest itself in more unusual ways, as scientists who have worked on the subject have revealed.

Innocuous gestures, solitary temperament, OCD, having your head in the clouds are all more behaviors that can reflect a higher than average IQ. Have you often wondered if you weren’t weirder than others? Do you find yourself different? Don’t be too hard on yourself, these may simply be curious habits that show that you have a more developed intellect than ordinary mortals. Here are 10 signs you might recognize yourself in.

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1 — You are a dreamer

Have you ever caught yourself dropping a conversation and looking out the window as if you aren’t interested in what the person next to you is saying? Rest assured, this habit is not necessarily a sign of rudeness, but rather a manifestation of your intelligence. Dreaming is often associated with creativity and for many showing creative talents is a sign of high potential. Allowing your mind to wander and breathe allows you to maintain the space necessary for exploring new ideas, opportunities or solutions to complex problems.

2— You talk to yourself

While it may seem strange to talk to yourself and be considered an eccentric habit, it is one of the signs of high intelligence. Talking to yourself has many benefits, it allows you to clarify your thoughts, consolidate them, prepare for future events and even moderate your emotions.

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3— You go to bed late

If staying up late is considered a bad habit by a large majority of the population, it is in fact a sign of a high level of intelligence. Science says that people with higher IQs generally go to bed later and are much more active at night, benefiting from better cognitive abilities. So if you prefer to go to bed late, rest assured it could be a sign that you are brilliant.

4— You are messy

Are you one of those messy people who like to live in disorder? Researchers assure that this type of people tend to develop greater creativity than average since their minds are always busy. So, stop judging people who have a cluttered desk, it seems that disorder is a sign of clarity of mind!

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5— You are curious

Curious people always ask a lot of questions, they seek answers and explore as many ideas as possible. They have a thirst for knowledge and are in constant search of understanding. Being curious keeps your mind active and promotes intellectual growth.

6— You are lonely

Intelligent people tend to seek solitude. They like to spend time alone or in small groups and give themselves the opportunity to immerse themselves in their thoughts without being disturbed. They particularly appreciate moments of tranquility that allow them to connect with their inner self. If you like being alone, don’t be afraid to be weird, you’re just smart.

7— Your head is in the air

If we can take this character trait as a fault, some scientific research suggests that forgetfulness is a sign of great intelligence. Indeed, forgetting information is a natural mechanism of the brain to make room for other, more relevant information.

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8— You like riddles and word games

Understanding and creating puns is a sign of a certain level of mental agility. Indeed, it is first a question of determining the multiple meanings of the words then of establishing links between them in a humorous way. Solving puzzles is also a sign that you are able to evaluate a problem from different angles.

9— You are a chameleon

One of the most ultimate signs of high intelligence is the ability to adapt to any situation. People with high potential know how to take advantage of all the opportunities and circumstances that present themselves to them. They are open to change, learning and experience.

10— You are obsessive about certain subjects

When you come across a topic you’re passionate about, you can’t help but obsess and think about it all day long. Well, it could just be a sign of a high level of intelligence! Indeed, high-potential people tend to immerse themselves in a subject when they find it fascinating, spending hours researching and learning more until they become an expert in the field.

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