These 3 astrological signs are particularly jealous

Of course, it's okay to be a little jealous from time to time. However, some people go too far with jealousy and can be downright possessive. What do they have in common ? Their zodiac sign!

Video by Clemence Chevallet

There is always a bit of jealousy in a relationship. But sometimes it takes on significant proportions. Some people can become so possessive that it puts a strain on themselves and their relationship. Too much jealousy kills jealousy, and if it does, it easily makes you and your partner unhappy.

Most often, jealousy stems from a lack of self-esteem. Because if you don't love yourself, you don't tend to believe that someone else can love you for who you are. As a result, it fuels your fear of losing your other half. Result: you want to control it at all costs.

Could this more or less significant character trait be linked to our star sign? We must believe that it is. We show you the three most jealous astrological signs of the zodiac.

3 / Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries can sometimes shyly express affection. But when he really cares about you, you should avoid making him jealous (even to tease him!). Indeed, he can change his behavior completely and get extremely angry. But fortunately, his seizures are of short duration, because they exhaust him.Contradictively, having a rival will never make him doubt his power of seduction, he will even feel stimulated and this will give him a goal: l 'eliminate from the competition!

As for loyalty, Aries are pretty strict about it, and if they've felt threatened, you're going to have to win their affection again – and that can take a while! He is very resentful in this situation. So, until Aries turns the page, you will need to be persistent.

2 / Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo is shown to be very eager for the attention of others to himself. Watch out for anyone who dares to steal their place in the spotlight. Leo quickly becomes envious, because that's their way of thinking: if no one notices, they will tend to disparage themselves. He doesn't particularly seek to shine, he just wants to exist in the eyes of others. He also tends to compare himself to others because he secretly wants to be like them, since he lacks self-confidence. If he is jealous, it is because deep down he has a huge need for love.

Leo can be quite competitive, which is why they feel the need to always stand out and show that they are the best. Also, he doesn't like to share – whether it's attention or his / her partner. He then appears very possessive. He likes to defend his territory, like a real lion!

Also, once he gets caught up in the spiral of jealousy, he will have a hard time coming out of it. If you are in a relationship with a Leo, reassure him, remind him why you are together! Note: Leo is more likely to be jealous in public. In the private sphere, he seems more relaxed (and fortunately!).

1 / Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

Scorpio is probably the most jealous sign in the zodiac. With his / her partner, the Scorpio is particularly passionate, in love – and jealous! On the one hand, he seems to be an ideal romantic and on the other hand, his mood changes extremely quickly whenever something can make him jealous. Scorpios feel particularly vulnerable when they attach themselves to someone. His greatest fear is losing his other half. Loyalty turns out to be a primary principle and according to him, a couple does not mean anything without loyalty. If you cheat on him, he may not forgive you.

In addition, he likes to exaggerate his suspicions and imagine the worst. This creates problems that did not exist at the base. A jealous Scorpio will evaluate the smallest thing that might change their mind. He focuses too much on the details and sometimes forgets the gist.

His jealousy can go very far. He quickly becomes suspicious. When they are jealous, Scorpios can no longer think rationally. This could be because he does not know how to trust others easily and when he has granted it to you, it is better to take care of him. For him, jealousy looks like betrayal on the part of his / her partner. If you are with a Scorpio, talk to him, try to reassure him and show him that he has nothing to worry about!

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