These 3 dishes and drinks will be the winning combo of summer 2024

Certain combinations of food and drinks are a real source of pleasure for a large group of people. Here are the best combos of summer 2024 to test with all urgency if this hasn’t already happened!

For a few months now, a new culinary trend has taken over social networking platforms, notably TikTok, claiming that this food/drink combo is one of the best in 2024. The publications that we see as absolutely blooming and spicy our curiosity. Before you discover this combo « perfect » For a large majority of people, we just have to focus on the main dish that contains the Caesar salad. A gourmet salad with an inimitable taste that will be made without any doubt the queen of salads, especially for summer 2024.

Salads are one of the most popular dishes this summer, and this trend does not contradict the affirmation. If you have already realized that salads are the most popular in 2024, experts have noted that four major gastronomic trends will have an incalculable impact on the agri-food industry in 2024. The presence of salads responding to multiple issues such as good food or influential food. So you also want to taste the “it girl” combos of the moment? We put everything on that bright plate because it’s Caesar salad!

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Caesar salad, fries and martini: the perfect combo!

Messages and publications on the social networks are irritating on the social networks and are all in agreement because they say that this combination of dishes and drinks is one of the tastiest and that the Caesar salad with its accompaniment of fries is the all assured by a dry martini with its variant of Coca-Cola zero, light or normal for non-alcoholic beverages. On TikTok, searches for Caesar salad and fries have garnered 60.3 million comments or messages.

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A trend that primarily concerns young women as one can see on social networks with comments on X (formerly Twitter): «the feminine urge to order a Caesar salad accompanied by fries” one of her wrote when another pleasant one: “I need an expresso martini, a Caesar salad, truffles and a meringue on the side with 10,000 dollars and some pikes on the side. No good, no bad.” A trend that took its origins from last year, the “Girl’s Dinner” which consisted of making a dish with a few elements such as Parmesan cheese, olives and chips in sauce. A combo that seems more than delicious, broken down for a much smaller dish: “I don’t want to spend 30 or 40 dollars on a dish that I don’t want to eat and that probably won’t break me down. » declares a cookbook author, Émily Lycopolus.

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These other popular food and drink associations

Because this combination is appealing for its flavors and texture: the delicate flavor of the Martini olives combined with the umami and the piquant flavor of the anchovy vinaigrette, the grass-fed fries and the crispy croutons,

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