these 3 fruits help boost memory (and it’s proven by science)

According to a scientific study, 3 fruits are particularly beneficial for boosting memory. The reason ? The presence of a molecule, urolithin A.

There consumption of fruits and vegetables for health no longer needs to be proven. Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, they contribute to the proper functioning and regulation of the organ system, and play a protective role in the prevention of diseases. In this respect, we are reminiscent of the campaign of the Ministry of Health “Eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day”, who, in fact, was largely able to convince the French of health-saving power of fruits and vegetablessince according to one IFOP survey, 79% of French people consider that eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day is important.

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And if it is known that kiwi is rich in Vitamin C or that grapefruit is excellent for heart health, other varieties have rather surprising properties. This is the case for 3 fruits in particular, studied by scientists fromUniversity of Copenhagen. According to experts, these fruits help fight against memory degenerationsuch as Alzheimer’s disease.

Urolithin A

“Our study, published in the journal Alzheimer’s Association, shows that urolithin A can alleviate memory impairment and other consequences of dementia (…) Although this research was conducted in mouse models, the outlook are positive” explains Dr Bohr, affiliated professor at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen for Doctissimo.

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During their studies, scientists looked at certain neurodegenerative pathologies, highlighting a problem of elimination of dysfunctional mitochondria. Essential to cellular functioning, these mitochondria, when altered, are generally eliminated by the body. But sometimes the body does not reject them. In this case, they alter the proper functioning of the brain, causing repercussions such as memory loss. Urolithin A was precisely identified by the scientific committee as being promising, because it is a compound which helps to get rid of mitochondria. The good news, This molecule is present in certain fruits.

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3 memory booster fruits

Pomegranate, walnut and strawberry are the three fruits, which, according to scientific work, present a high concentration of urolithin A. If the pomegranate is an imported fruit, the strawberry is easily found during the summer season. Be careful, however, to choose your strawberries locally, because 76% of strawberries from Spain contain traces of pesticides. A rather accessible way to boost your memory in the short term.

However, as scientific work is still in its early stages, it is important to remain vigilant, and not to consume these fruits excessively, especially if they are pesticided, with the risk of doing more harm to your body than good to your brain. But if you needed a scientific reason to start eating good fruits and vegetables, lurolithin A is enough to convince you.

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