These actually healthy foods can harm you in excess

Health foods
These actually healthy foods can harm you in excess

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A lot helps a lot? Unfortunately, this is not always the case, especially when it comes to healthy eating. Because health foods are also about the right amount.

We all love health foods like green smoothies and know about the positive effects of certain nuts or spices. Because they are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals and can give our health a real boost. But there are limits here, because if we eat too much of certain foods, the health benefits can quickly turn into the opposite.

4 health foods you shouldn’t eat too much of

1. Broccoli, kale and co: cruciferous vegetables

Let’s start with the aforementioned green smoothie, which we like to prepare with kale, rocket or broccoli. That’s all well and good, because cruciferous vegetables, which include all of the vegetables mentioned, can do that, according to studies risk for cancer or heart diseases to reduce. However, caution is advised here. Because cruciferous vegetables contain so-called thiocyanates, which can ensure that our body absorbs iodine less well. That in turn can weaken thyroid and in the worst case even lead to an underactive thyroid. It is best to discuss how much arugula, kale and co. is safe for you with your doctor.

2. Cinnamon

Antioxidants are healthy, and cinnamon is high in them. That’s why the winter spice can also help reduce inflammation in the body and keep blood sugar levels steady. According to research results Cinnamon can also reduce the risk of various diseases, such as those of the cardiovascular system, cancer or diabetes.

However, an excess of cinnamon can also be dangerous. That’s up ingredient coumarin, which in high amounts can damage the liver and promote cancer. Therefore, nutritionists recommend consuming a maximum of two to five grams of cinnamon per day. If it is so-called cassia cinnamon, even a maximum of two grams, because this is particularly rich in coumarin. If you ate a little more in a day (like delicious cinnamon rolls), don’t worry. You should just not constantly exceed the daily recommendation.

3. Coffee

Just like cinnamon, coffee also contains many antioxidants and therefore has some positive effects on our health according to studies. For example, the hot drink should reduce the risk of diabetes, Dementia and Alzheimer’s can lower. However, it is also a question of moderation, because too much caffeine can be harmful. A cup of coffee contains between 80 and 120 milligrams of the stimulating substance. Up to 400 milligrams per day are considered harmless. So if you drink more than about four coffees a day, you risk it negative consequences for your nervous system, your sleep and your heart health.

4. Brazil nuts

You read all the time how healthy Brazil nuts are. They owe this good reputation primarily to their high selenium content. But here is also the danger: selenium is an important trace element that we need for many processes in our body. However, it can toxic in high doses will. You should consume around 50 to 70 micrograms of selenium per day. A large Brazil nut can contain up to 95 micrograms, so you’re quickly over the recommended amount. From about 300 micrograms per day you run the risk of selenium poisoning to suffer. Symptoms can range from hair and nail loss to digestive problems and memory problems.

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