These college students desperate to get raclette are the buzz


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Schoolchildren have asked, with humor, the return of raclette to the canteen. A funny claim that management accepted on one condition.

An unusual negotiation. In Moselle, in Ban-Saint-Martin, a group of students from Jean-Bauchez college has made the buzz on social networks in recent weeks. The reason ? They raised their voices to get raclette. The Rires et raclettes chantants collective (RERC) has set itself a specific objective: to challenge the management of their college so that raclette is included in the canteen menu. According to them, “Raclette is a dish like any other and deserves to be eaten because it’s good”.

To support their claim, the college students put up a poster in the halls of their establishment indicating: “Nowadays, the fact that there is no raclette in the canteen has become commonplace, accepted by all. IT’S A SCANDAL !!!”. The opportunity for them to launch a raclette hymn with rhymes: “In socks or tap dancing, I like raclette… With it, it’s party time, I like raclette”. Stating that their request was “without negotiation or abdication”, the principal of the college confides of Latest News from Alsace to be “Caught in the game” and decided to answer them with another poster. “The management after consultation with itself conditionally gives a favorable opinion to this request. The administration demands to hear in due form, and in person, a delegation of the collective Rires et Raclettes chantants sing the chorus of raclette to the 10 o’clock recess. ”

A raclette party on December 13

Neither one nor two, these teenagers, desperate to get their famous raclette, rose to the challenge with flying colors. As the daily reports, the collective Rires et raclettes chantants sang the anthem on October 20, thus obtaining a raclette menu on December 13. A date that was not chosen by chance because it is on this day that we celebrate the international day of raclette. The college therefore still has a few days to buy the stock of cheeses and raclette machines. A device that some parents are willing to lend to satisfy the 450 half-boarders of this establishment.

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