These Marvel actors who have left us: Gaspard Ulliel, Chadwick Boseman…


From Gaspard Ulliel to Chadwick Boseman, a look back at these missing actors who participated in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or another adaptation of the Maison des Idées.

Chadwick Boseman in Black Panther, Gaspard Ulliel in the Moon Knight series or even Stan Lee in almost all of the Maison des Idées feature films… A look back at these now deceased actors who played in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( or in other adaptations of famous comic books).

Gaspard Ulliel (1984 – 2022)

Olivier Borde / Bestimage

Disappeared at the age of 37 following a serious skiing accident, the French comedian Gaspard ulliel (notably known for his roles in A Long Engagement Sunday, Saint Laurent or Just The End Of The World) also embodies an important character in the Marvel series Moon Knight, expected in March 2022. Facing Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke, he plays the so-called Anton Mogart aka Midnight Man, one of the main antagonists of the hero.

Stan Lee (1922 – 2018)

marvel studios

Grand maestro of the Marvel universe, of which he is one of the main inventors, this genius screenwriter is particularly known for having created characters such as Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor or the X-Men. Appeared in almost all Marvel productions since the beginning of the 2000s, he has shot a considerable number of cameos, each more original than the other, thus giving the reply to his own creations. He died in 2018 at the age of 95.

Chadwick Boseman (1976 – 2020)

Walt Disney/Marvel

Tragically passed away at the age of 43 following colon cancer, the actor Chadwick Boseman, a prominent member of the Avengers, had appeared four times in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, since he played the famous Prince T’Challa, alias Black Panther. In addition to this world-famous role, he also played James Brown in the biopic Get On Up, and starred in feature films such as Message from the King and Spike Lee’s Da 5 Bloods.

Reg E. Cathey (1958 – 2018)

marvel studios

Disappeared in 2018 at the age of 59, this famous television comedian, best known for his roles in the series Oz, Bugged, House of Cards or Luke Cage, was also present alongside the Fantastic 4, version 2015. In Josh Trank’s feature film, he indeed lent his features to Dr. Franklin Storm, emeritus scientist, father of Sue Storm and Johnny Storm , aka the Invisible Woman and the Torch.


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