These shower mistakes can leave your hair brittle

Too high water temperature + Co.
These shower mistakes can leave your hair brittle

© torwaiphoto / Adobe Stock

Is your hair dry and lacking shine? This does not always have to be the fault of care products and the like. These shower mistakes can also damage the hair.

In order for our hair to be healthy and supple in the long term, it needs the right care. And that includes not only the right products for our hair structure, the right blow-drying techniques and other styling hacks, but also the water we use to wash our hair. Yes, you read that right – the water. Some mistakes you make when showering and setting the water can really damage your hair and make it brittle.

Why water temperature is important for healthy hair

For example, water that is too hot can damage our hair, as hair and skin expert Natalie Aguilar tells mindbodygreen. “Hot water robs the skin of moisture,” she explains. If we set the shower temperature too warm, it strips our skin – and that includes the scalp – of protective oils and lipids. Dandruff and greasy hair can result because the scalp tries to overcompensate for the missing oils.

The degree of hardness of the water also plays an important role in hair care. Because very hard water contains more minerals, especially magnesium and calcium. And these minerals can change the pH of our skin in ways that make it drier and more sensitive. The problem: apart from moving, there isn’t much we can do about the basic degree of hardness of the water in our apartment or house. But what can help are special shower heads that filter the water and make it softer, so that they are less harmful to the hair and, by the way, also to the skin.

Don’t push too hard! You should also pay attention to this when showering

Speaking of the shower head: there is something else to consider here. Excessive water pressure also damages skin and hair. Here it can also help to invest in a good shower head with as many different and gentle settings as possible. Your hair will thank you!

Another tip from the hair expert: change your position when showering – for example, rinse your shampoo upside down. As a rule, we always stand in the same position in the shower, so the water always hits the same part of our head. This often tends to be more dry than other areas that are not so frequently exposed to the water jet. So if you change your shower position from time to time, your scalp will be happy about the little break from the water jet and will reward you with strong and shiny hair.

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