These twin brothers don’t share a birthday or location

Turbulent Birth
These twin brothers don’t share a birthday or location

© Irina / Adobe Stock

The image that is often associated with twins is that everything is done together and everything is shared. Ludwig and Jakob from Hutthurm in the Passau district of Bavaria see things a little differently – they didn’t want to share their place of birth or their birthday.

“They didn’t share anything from the start. Two placentas, two amniotic sacs,” mother Marion told the “Passauer Neue Presse”. Actually, the twin brothers should not be born until February 28, 2023. But as is not uncommon with twins, the two boys set off earlier. Not only that, they kept their parents busy and made for a really tumultuous birth.

A month before the expected due date, the contractions start

On the evening of January 18, the mother unexpectedly went into labor – it was pressing pains. The hospital bag wasn’t quite packed yet. The future dad quickly got the last things together when it became clear: They couldn’t make it to the hospital anymore. While the twin dad picked up the phone to call 911, his wife Marion continued to struggle with the contractions. Even before he hung up, he heard “in the background that a baby was suddenly crying”.

Ludwig was already born. A few minutes after the birth, the ambulance arrived with an incubator on board. The newborn was immediately wrapped up and taken to the children’s hospital. His mother came to the Passau Clinic as quickly as possible, because after all, there was still a small man missing. Her husband Robert followed in his own car.

Twin brothers: They do not share the place of birth or the day

So while Ludwig was born at home on January 18th, his brother followed him to the hospital on January 19th at 12:48 am. Little Jakob finally had to be taken to the Passau Clinic by emergency caesarean section. He was also taken to the children’s hospital because he needed “a little help with the poor,” according to Papa Robert. A few hours later, Marion was able to hold her two sons in her arms for the first time.

Both parents only gradually realized how lucky they had been. Now they are relieved. The family of four was able to go home after just ten days. The two boys are doing well, they are alive and well. Now it’s time to get used to it, cuddle a lot and find a rhythm with two babies at once. And how nice that Ludwig and Jakob both have their own day on which they can celebrate their birthdays.

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This article originally appeared on PARENTS.


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