Third-party screens and batteries soon to be better integrated

With iOS 18, Apple is opening up to new manufacturers in terms of repairability. Good news for repairing your device at a lower cost while continuing to benefit from the manufacturer’s features.

An iPhone being repaired // Source: iFixit

On June 26, 2024, the American manufacturer revealed the company’s intentions in terms of repairability and longevity. We learn, among other things, that third-party screens and batteries would be better supported.

Living with the times

Apple takes note of the new ecological standards and indicates that it has set itself “an ambitious goal by having a carbon neutral impact by 2030.”. A promise that involves a change of direction in the making of its products. John Ternus, vice president of hardware engineering, said:

“Repairability is a critical element of longevity, while optimizing repairability alone cannot deliver the best outcome for our customers or the environment. »

For Apple, repairability involves two types of components by better integrating them into its ecosystem with its customization possibilities. This is for example the case of third-party screens for iPhone which will be able to integrate the function later in the year. TrueTonewhich automatically adapts the screen color according to the ambient light:

“In an effort to offer more comprehensive support for third-party parts, starting in late 2024, Apple will allow consumers to enable True Tone with third-party parts to get the best performance that can be delivered. »

Until now, TrueTone’s calibration has been aimed at Apple’s proprietary displays due to the accuracy of their calibration. Third-party screens could exhibit unexpected behavior. Users will now have a choice and can deactivate the function if the screen settings do not suit them.

The other point that we can emphasize is one of the parts that runs out over time: the battery. One of the metrics that wasn’t quantifiable by Apple was how long these batteries lasted and how many cycles remained. Some batteries sold as new are actually used. On this, the manufacturer wishes to improve things and declares:

“In an effort to improve support for third-party batteries, starting in late 2024, Apple will display battery health metrics with a notification that Apple cannot verify the information presented. »

However, Apple has stated that third-party battery measurements are not guaranteed to be accurate.

These changes could come with the future iOS 18 update, however Apple has not defined a more precise timetable in its document.

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