This amorous behavior would be the secret of couples who last

How to make your marriage last? A recent university study shed light on a surprising detail that can make your relationship longevity easier.

After the passion of the first few moments, you may be wondering how to make your relationship last ? What if we told you that your child’s soul was the secret? This is what a scientific study from the university revealed Martin Luther from Halle-Wittenberg in Germany published in the journal Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Having a playful spirit would strengthen romantic bonds, while breaking the routine.

Playfulness would promote the longevity of couples

According to the researchers, being a player, which could also be described as playfulness, is ” a variable that allows people to frame or reframe situations so that they experience them as entertaining, intellectually stimulating and / or personally interesting ”. “People who have this dimension at the highest level seek out and create situations in which they can playfully interact with others (eg teasing, shared play activities) and they are able to use their ability. to be playful even in difficult situations so as to relieve tension, ” details the study. Clearly, being playful and teasing would allow you to put lightness in everyday life and avoid falling into monotony.

Playful spirit: the beneficial effects within the couple

Scientists at Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, noted that play and playfulness would strengthen the links between the partners. Another observation: it would make it possible to live and feel positive emotions. This detail could be linked to potential biological processes, such as the activation of hormones and certain brain circuits, according to the study’s authors. “Playful behaviors such as surprising the partner, recounting and replaying common experiences with the partner, or jointly forming new experiences often contribute to the happiness and longevity of relationships”, explains Kay Brauer, study author and psychology researcher. ” Maybe it helps couples resolve their conflicts more easily, promotes positive emotions that contribute to a fulfilling relationship, or helps them maintain an interest in their relationship and in the partner ”, he adds.

Sexual satisfaction linked to gambling

The playfulness is also linked to the couple’s physical intimacy and sexuality, according to the study. The researchers cite the work of psychologists Metz and McCarthy who argue in a 2007 study that the couple’s sexual satisfaction is partly due to its playfulness. The game would then be a consequence “Trust, mutual acceptance, priority to pleasure, the freedom to be yourself and the deep valuation of the relationship”. As a result, partners open up more to each other, for example by experimenting with new things in their sexuality (such as role-playing, BDSM, etc.).

Of course, the benefits of playfulness also depend on the characters and personalities of the partners! But if you enjoy teasing your partner and having a good laugh together, your relationship looks set to last.

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Marion Dos Santos Clara

Lifestyle journalist, Marion writes on topics related to psychology, love and sexuality, from a societal perspective. From sexualities to new love codes, she deciphers the …