This Apex trick lets you hit every time

LMG Rampage is already deadly at long range in Apex Legends. But thanks to this trick, he also becomes a monster at close range.

Since its release in Season 10, the LMG Rampage has slowly established itself as one of the most powerful weapons in the game.

Despite this, it takes a lot of skill to hit your shots. Indeed the incredibly slow rate of fire of the weapon makes it very cruel if you are not precise.

This is especially evident when shooting from the hip at close range. Indeed, the spread of Rampage bullets can spiral out of control within seconds.

That was the case until Apex Legends’ YouTuber The Gaming Merchant shared a tip that makes Rampage extraordinarily accurate up close.

Respawn Entertainment

Rampage debuted on Apex Legends when Season 10 kicks off

How to shoot hip with precision with Rampage in Apex Legends

When fighting at close range in Apex Legends, it’s often better to shoot from the hip rather than using your optics or sights. Especially when using LMGs like Rampage, as your movement speed is drastically reduced when firing in ADS.

As a result, a lot of players are frustrated, as their shots with Rampage never seem to hit.

Seeking to help gamers, The Gaming Merchant revealed a trick that involves slowing down your shot with the weapon. And this instead of just holding the trigger down.

This is to ensure that the LMG’s bullets always hit their target, as long as you aim well.

To perfect this trick, it’s worth heading to the shooting range.

Although this tip sounds incredibly simple, it is very effective. More precisely, it overcomes the greatest weakness of Rampage, making it even more monstrous.

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