This baby born at 22 weeks has finally returned home after nearly 5 months of hospitalization

Russell was very premature with almost zero chances of survival. Today, the little man is totally healed.

A real fighter! Born at 22 weeks, little Russell weighed less than 500 grams at birth. Quickly transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (Usin) at Tulane Lakeside Hospital in Louisiana, he is now out of danger.

In total, the little man spent 133 days in the hospital, as his chances of survival were very low. During this ordeal, Russell was placed on life support. In addition, he had contracted jaundice, a common disease in children which causes the skin of newborns to turn yellow due to a large production of bilirubin. But also bleeding in the brain.

"He was so small he could fit in my hand"

A miracle pregnancy after several miscarriages, as Natasha Wiiliams, the mother, tells: “It was so scary when I found out I was having a baby. We didn't want everyone to hope. When we went to the doctor, he told us that the baby had a strong heartbeat ", she told Good Morning America.

At just 15 weeks pregnant, Russell was already wanting to point his nose. The young woman underwent emergency surgery to prevent her giving birth. While her delivery was scheduled for September 22, the young woman will give birth on May 22. “My fiancé and I cried and started to pray. I lost the waters on Wednesday and gave birth to Russell on Friday morning at around 10:55 am (…) "He was so small he could fit in my hand. But now he's a big baby."

Finally, on October 1, 2020, Russell was finally able to return home. Completely cured, the 3kg little prince was accompanied by medical staff until he left the hospital. We wish him happiness!

Premature baby: what is prematurity

Video by Sarah polak