This couple named their twins by the same first name as their father, here’s how they differ

This couple wanted to name their twins by the same first name as their father. A daring choice, which he nevertheless managed to achieve through a very simple trick.

It is sometimes difficult to differentiate twins, even more so when they are little. First names generally help to navigate. However, some parents have already called their twins by the same first name. Which is already a bold decision. But one family managed to go even further by deciding to call your twins by the same first name, who is none other than the father’s first name.

The Coles family likes to share her daily life on Instagram. She is particularly known for her twins, and the fact that they have the same first name as their father: Branden. A very common first name, worn three times in one and the same family. We can therefore wonder how parents manage not to confuse the twins, or even get confused by calling each other’s names.

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What was the Coles family’s trick to distinguishing the 3 first names?

The Coles used the tradition of naming their children by the same first name as the father using Jr and 3rd at the end. Which means ‘Junior’ and third of the name. We can notably find this case in the series My family first, which features an American family. The father’s name is Michael, and the son’s name is Michael Junior. But he is generally called Junior.

The Coles’ family said that she also uses a system of nicknames, just like the American series. The parents responded to a comment from a person who follows them, noted by the British daily Le Sun. This person asked how they managed not to confuse the 3 Brendens with each other. Thus, the parents explained whom they call Branden Jr ‘BJ’, and Branden 3rd ‘Trey’. An affectionate and very clever way of not confusing the three Brendens who are under one roof.


Originally from Toulouse, I moved to Cannes in 2021. It is therefore very close to the sea and palm trees that I have been writing for Au Féminin since 2022. Accustomed to …

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