This Fallout video game was created in Excel

An enthusiast had fun creating a game inspired by the universe fallout through Excel software. A good way to play at work without getting pinched.

Series fallout is one of the big pop culture phenomena of this year 2024. Many Amazon Prime subscribers have seen it and, since then, the video game saga on which it is inspired has regained visibility – including Fallout 76, an episode which nevertheless got off to a chaotic start. For Bethesda, the studio responsible for it, this is excellent news. This success, well deserved, also carries more atypical projects, like this experience adapted from the universe fallout and created using Excel software.

I’ve always wanted to make my own video games — but I never had the skills (or the time). Recently I’ve been using Excel way too much, so I thought I’d create my own games using Excel. This is my new creation, an RPG inspired by Fallout », says Dynamic Pear in its presentation video shared on YouTube on April 21. You can download his proposal by clicking on this link.

It is falloutbut on Excel

Dynamic Pear has managed to design a fairly complete experience within Excel. Concretely, a spreadsheet is transformed into a playground. You can navigate there and complete quests in order to save Mercer from each new threat. There are different points of interest: towns and shelters are marked purple, while possible paths are marked green (light for plains, dark for cultivated land). There are also areas of water and craters — fallout obliged. Our group of heroes is in red.

Fallout in Excel // Source: YouTube Capture
fallout in Excel. // Source: YouTube capture

This fallout in Excel also offers a combat system, which you can deactivate if necessary if you find it too complex. “ Battles can overwhelm your party — there are between one and five enemies in each wave — so be prepared! », specifies the creator, who was inspired by the rules of Dungeons & Dragons, striving to simplify. The clashes are turn-based, with a notion of initiative governed by a roll of the dice, and support for distance. Some attacks can be done in close combat, others from much further away. To know if an attack hits, again, it is a roll of the dice which will decide: “ If your score is below the enemy armor, then your attack will fail ”, state the rules.

Obviously, the characters have statistics, accessible at any time from the main menu. For those who twiddle their thumbs at work, this game is the fallout which we can throw at the office without fear of being pinched. In any case, it’s better than Fallout Shelter on his smartphone.

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