this funny habit taken with his 17 year old son Luigi

Well-known entertainer Julia Vignali shares a surprising habit she developed with her 17-year-old son Luigi. As a devoted mother, she often discusses her thoughts on motherhood and the challenges of adolescence.

On the sidelines of its humanitarian commitments and his return to televisionJulia Vignali revealed a new facet of her family life. She recently spoke about her role as sponsor of an association helping a sick child, Léon, and how this experience affects her as a mother. Julia Vignali describes herself as a “upset mother hen”sharing his constant concern for Luigi while recognizing the need to give him his independence. The actress took to heart her role as godmother for Léon, a child suffering from a rare degenerative disease. This struggle strengthened her maternal perspective, leading her to reflect on the fears and responsibilities of parenthood. “There is always a projective side. Once you are a mother, each child is a little bit yours,” she confides.

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THE special link between Julia Vignali and Léon was formed during the last Telethon, marking a turning point in its commitment. She is determined to support research for this disease rare and bring hope to affected families. “When it concerns our children, it’s unbearable, but when it concerns other people’s children too,” she explains with emotion.

Julia Vignali and her commitment against harassment

In parallel with its family concernsJulia Vignali is also very involved in fight against school bullying. This scourge, aggravated by social networks, deeply affects the host. “The fight against school bullying has been close to my heart for a very long time,” she affirms, emphasizing the seriousness of this psychological violence.

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She emphasizes the importance of parental vigilance and open communication with children. “These signals should alert parents. Just like school dropouts,” she explains. For Julia Viganli, the child protection requires attentive and proactive education, a principle that she also applies in her own family.

A funny habit to watch over Luigi

Despite its busy scheduleJulia Vignali finds ingenious ways to stay close to his son Luigi. She adopted an unusual but reassuring habit: geolocation. “We still agreed that I could geolocate him, with his agreement of course. So I can know where he is,” she shares. This measure, although temporary, allows it to watch over your son without invading his personal space. This habit results from a compromise between the desire to protection of the actress and Luigi’s quest for independence. “I promise, in 6 months, when he turns 18, I will stop,” she assures. There geolocation thus becomes a means for Julia Vignali to manage parental anxiety while respecting the freedom of his son teenager.

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Managing Luigi’s Independencecombined with its commitment against school harassmentillustrates Julia Vignali’s dedication to the protection and well-being of children. She thus embodies a modern motherboth attentive and respectful of the autonomy of their childrenwhile remaining firmly committed to causes that are close to his heart.

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