This Gold Worshiper Praises ChatGPT AI for Not Recommending Bitcoin

An AI that changes its mind like a shirt – Everyone fears (certainly with good reason) the advent of a superficial intelligence (IA) superior to humans. But before having this fear, should this intelligence already have a critical mind. After recognizing that Bitcoin was THE solution against central banks and their inflationary fiat currencies, lo and behold ChatGPT no longer considers BTC as protection. Peter SchiffA ” gold bug fanatic, rejoices in this absence of Bitcoin.

This story is based on a report that came out in early April, claiming that artificial intelligence ChatGPT highly recommend the investment in gold in case of economic recession.

Specifically, ChatGPT was asked for advice on an investment portfolio “recession proof”. Next to government bonds (40%) and defensive stocks (30%), the yellow metal had a very good place in this portfolio. The IA indeed recommended to compose its anti-recession investment of 20% allowance devoted to gold.

Is it that Bitcoin was hiding in the 10% of what ChatGPT gathers under the term of “cash and cash equivalents” to complement these recession-proof investments? In any case, no clear mention is made of the king of cryptocurrencies. It didn’t take more Peter Schiff to sneer at his worst enemy (Bitcoin), which he systematically puts in a relationship of opposition with gold.

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Peter Schiff needs an AI to mock Bitcoin

For those who are lucky enough not to know Peter Schiff yet, you should know that he is an economist who swear by gold and precious metals, only, exclusively, fiercely. In front of the competition what can the young Bitcoin represent vis-à-vis his darling – about their status as safe investment -, Peter Schiff likes to scratch hard (and regularly) cryptocurrency.

This story of an anti-recession wallet generated by an AI that forgets cryptos was therefore a perfect opportunity for this gold bug of launch a new spade against our dear Bitcoin:

“ChatGPT’s AI is finally smart enough. She did not recommend an allowance [résistante à la récession] in bitcoin. »

Peter Schiff never misses an opportunity to denigrate Bitcoin – Twitter account @PeterSchiff

In its current state, the artificial “intelligence” of ChatGPT remains very manageable. The report above, proposing a 20% recession-busting allocation in gold, was obtained by people favorable to the precious metal. It would be very easy “to orient” AI to think that Bitcoin is great protection, first telling him some facts about BTC for influence him. ChatGPT, especially in its version GPT-4is on the other hand excellent for detecting flaws in smart contracts (and in computer codes, more generally). In any case, the AI ​​is much better there than in economics.

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