This great revolution is coming soon to the assembly of the Marches of Arthur and its actors with a handicap

Following the mounting of the film marches A Little Trick in Plus by Arthur Conan Doyle at the Cannes Film Festival, a sizeable change should arrive at the next Cannes Film Festival. Explications.

If the Cannes Film Festival makes a lot of noise about its stars on the red carpet, it is also a place for change and commitment. One can note the launch of this 77th edition with a discourse by Camille Cottin against the Sexist and sexual violence in the cinema. A subject that has been imagined by Judith Godrèche for months. This is what he now says with honor as he walks over the red carpet in high heels with several survivors and survivors.

This Wednesday, May 22nd, is the director Arthur who took over another big subject at the Cannes Film Festival with his film A little tricky in more. In his film, he features several disabled actors who were present to mount the marches of the Croisette. And this moment will certainly inspire a revolution for the next edition of the event.

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A major change at the Cannes Film Festival

When the team appeared on the red carpet, Arthur to lead one of his disabled actors, Sofian Ribeswhich was not capable of mounting the marches alone. A very striking gesture that attracted the attention of Fadila Khattabi, Deputy Minister-in-Charge of Old and Disabled Persons. “I am happy to the organizers for the very successful assembly of the Wednesday evening marches, but I told them in the same way thathey there is a couac”, she declared at Nice morning.

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For her, “It’s no longer acceptable to see this type of image, it’s an attestation to the dignity of the person who has to wear it up close.“Ainsi, Fadila Khattabi explained that he should and will have to change his mind for the next Cannes Film Festival. “Next year, the marches should be accessible to people with disabilities. It is not the case that they adapt to the company, it is the company entirely that adapts to the company”, concluded the minister.

Polemic about the film of Arthur

If Fadila Khattabi speaks of guilt during the marches, that is not the only problem even the Arthurian film crew has to face. In effect, a few weeks before the event, the director and comedian explained thatNo luxury brand has accepted the performance of its handicapped comedians.

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After the polemic that follows this revelation, the team will finally be able to reach an agreement with certain household appliances. A real fight for Arthur and his actors!


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