this is how parents can now spot the first signs of autism faster

An autism awareness campaign was recently launched by the government. Through nine short animated films, it aims to help parents spot the signs as early as possible in their child.

35,000. This is the number of children born each year with a neurodevelopmental disorder in France. Sometimes there are signs, which we don't necessarily pay attention to, but which could mean that something is not developing well in the child. In order to be able to react quickly, the government recently launched an awareness campaign, in partnership with the national association of teams contributing to early medico-social action (ANECAMSP), with the aim of helping parents to detect the first signs.

As a reminder, between 0 and 6 years old, children develop in five main areas: gross motor skills, fine motor skills, language, perception-cognition and socialization. For parents, these elements should be kept in mind and closely monitored. Indeed, certain behaviors can raise doubts and alert, such as a child who does not speak yet at 18 months or a little one who still does not hold his head alone at 6 months.

The challenge of this "Act early" campaign is to be able to anticipate the disease and react when the child still benefits from high brain plasticity. The expected results are to make him progress and why not, make him find a "normal" trajectory and limit the over-handicap.

Early support

In order to encourage increased vigilance, the government has also put in place a number of concrete measures. The stated strategy is clear: create conditions for spotting signs in order to be able to provide support as soon as possible. This goes through :

  • the design of a guide to facilitate the work of general practitioners and pediatricians;
  • the creation of departmental platforms to define and organize the support necessary for each child;
  • full financial support for interventions and assessments

If while viewing these little videos that describe everyday situations, you have doubts, contact professionals to establish a balance sheet.

The “Act Early” Campaign is broadcast on France Télévisions (France 2, France 3, France 4, France 5), on Youtube advertising spaces, numerous media, on government social networks, etc.