This is how you know that your parents were emotionally immature

3 signs you grew up with emotionally immature parents

The relationship with our parents is crucial for the rest of our lives. But what if this is particularly tense?

We often only realize how long our parents’ upbringing and values ​​really shape us when we ourselves are adults or have children. The emotional maturity of our parents plays an important role.

What does it mean when someone is “emotionally immature”? People with this trait often have difficulty communicating or processing their emotions. Because of this, they often appear selfish or even distant. A person’s emotional maturity is not necessarily related to their age. We’ll explain how you can tell if your parents are emotionally immature.

Parenting mistakes: How much the emotional maturity of our parents shapes us

Being a mom or dad – that can be a new challenge every day. Hardly anyone would expect their parents to act perfectly. On the contrary: it can help children in the long term if one parent admits and can show weakness. Feelings, thoughts, dreams and wishes play a very important role when dealing with children. But if parents prefer to concentrate on themselves, do not want to allow sadness or anger, or hit their children’s dreams with the big hammer of oppressive reality, their relationships with each other can be permanently damaged.

You should realize that no one chooses how emotionally mature he or she is. This character trait of a person is closely linked to their own history and experiences in their life. In the video we show you how you can tell whether your parents are emotionally immature – and give you tips. Because the good news is: you can always try to understand her and improve your relationship.

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