This is in the new crypto compass

The new crypto compass is here. From Metaverse and Twitter to the question of what the Ampel-Coalition is planning with regard to crypto: It’s inside.

Facebook predicts it as the successor to the mobile Internet: In the Metaverse, many areas of life could have completely shifted to virtuality in 10 to 15 years. Whether it’s property, shopping tours through malls, new jobs, exhibitions or concerts – there are no limits. Or is it?

In the cover story of the January issue of the Kryptokompass, our authors Moritz Draht and Daniel Hoppmann address the question of how the metaverse will change our lives – and what role blockchain technology will play in it.

At the same time, everything in the current Coin of the Month revolves around the Metaverse, because it is called Decentraland (MANA) in January.

Will Jack Dorsey’s final line lead to Twitter Armageddon?

Bad news for some, a calculated step for others: Jack Dorsey said goodbye to the top position of the microblogging service Twitter. It remains to be seen how the platform with the blue bird will perform under the change in leadership. Did the social network with Jack Dorsey chirp the key to Twitter success?

In the current company of the month, author Marlen Kremer investigates the question of whether Twitter can represent a solid investment even without its founder.

The traffic light coalition and the crypto space

On the occasion of the new federal government, we put a special focus on red-green-yellow in the current crypto compass and dedicate ourselves to the question of the extent to which the crypto space has to fear new laws – or whether there is even reason to hope.

In his article “5 demands on the new federal government!” BTC-ECHO editor-in-chief Sven Wagenknecht writes which crypto issues the new federal government must address and how so that Germany is not left behind in international competition.

At the same time, FDP member of the Bundestag and blockchain expert Frank Schäffler will answer questions about what the new cabinet has in store for the crypto space. BTC-ECHO editor Daniel Hoppmann reports.

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