this is the best exercise to tone your arms


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Do you want to tone your arms but don’t know how to go about it? Here is the best exercise according to a sports coach.

Sport is essential to stay healthy longer. “It allows you to keep your muscle mass, which tends to decrease with age”notes Blanche, sports coach at Fitness Park. “To get results on your arms, at least one or two sessions a week should be done.” Corn be kind to yourself. Not everyone has the same abilities or the same morphology… You have to be patient.

The arms are an area of ​​the body that women do not work a lot. “They are afraid to swell and take in volume. However, it is a received idea because to gain volume, you have to follow specific training and a particular diet.” Working the arms just goes tone and strengthen them. “It’s very important because even if you don’t realize it, you use them very often and if you don’t tone them, they lose elasticity.” Don’t panic, the coach has entrusted us with an ideal type of exercise that is easy to perform for toned arms, in the gym or at home.

The best exercise to tone your arms

When we work the arm, we focus on two muscles: the biceps (front of the arm) or the triceps (back of the arm). “The gym machines can be used, but you can also simply do exercises with dumbbells, advises Blanche. The first: the bicep curl. “To do this, you need a dumbbell with a load adapted to your abilities. Then, hold your arm along your body, palms up and bring the front of your arm back, not taking off not the elbow of your body.”

Want to work the triceps? The “triceps extensions” are easy to do, and very effective”, White advises. Take one or more dumbbells and raise your arms above your head, elbows glued to your face. Then, swing your forearms behind your head, mastering the movement, and raise them. All while keeping your elbows tight. “Do 4 sets of 10 repetitions (the 10th must be very difficult). Between each set, take a minute of recovery.”

Don’t have a dumbbell handy? “Work with your body weight by doing triceps push-ups for example. These are very tight push-ups”explains the sports coach. “You can also use the TRX, a strap with cuffs to attach to the door. The more you tilt, the harder it is.”

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