This is what happens to your body when you eat a kiwi every day

Fruit underdog
This is what happens in your body when you eat kiwi every day

We do a lot of good for our body if we eat kiwi every day.

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The kiwi should literally be on everyone’s lips, this little power fruit is so healthy.

“An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away” is a popular saying. So if you eat an apple a day, you won’t get sick as often. And while apples have carved their place on many people’s daily grocery lists, along with bananas and berries, one fruit, undeservedly, is still missing the radar for many: the kiwi.

There are few such small fruits with so many great properties for the body – we have a few good reasons why the kiwi should definitely be in your shopping basket and on your daily menu in the future.

Your body enjoys plenty of antioxidants

Free radicals increase the risk of chronic diseases, so they have no place in the body – and antioxidants ensure that it stays that way. And what fruit is high in vitamin C, choline, lutein, and zeaxanthin (all antioxidants)? Of course, the kiwi also confirm studies.

“This delicious green fruit can support heart health, digestion, the immune system and even sleep,” nutritionist Lisa Young told Eat This Not That magazine.

The kiwi offers vitamin C en masse

As already mentioned, kiwis contain a lot of vitamin C – so much that just 100 grams (slightly more than an average kiwi) covers the daily requirement for the antioxidant almost completely! The reference values ​​are according to the German Nutrition Society as follows:

  • 15 to 19 years: 105 mg per day (male) or 90 mg per day (female)
  • Adults: 110 mg per day (male) or 95 mg per day (female)

According to that U.S. Department of Agriculture there are about 92.7 milligrams of vitamin C in 100 grams of kiwi. These are even higher values ​​than in oranges. Vitamin C is not only good for the immune system, but also improves the skin.

You’re taking in a lot of fiber

The advantages of the kiwi do not collapse: The fruit is also a rich source of fiber – which pleases the liver, improves digestion, lowers blood sugar and boosts blood pressure.

3.9 grams of dietary fiber are on average in 100 grams of kiwi – 30 grams per day are recommended, or even better 40 grams. At least 10 percent of the daily requirement is therefore already covered with a single kiwi.

The folate levels in your body increase

In an interview with the nutrition magazine, expert Young also points out that kiwis are also good for their high folate content are known. Folate is a B vitamin that is an essential nutrient involved in protein metabolism and red blood cell formation during growth, which is particularly important for pregnant women.

In summary, your body can look forward to many antioxidants (including vitamin C), your skin becomes more beautiful, your digestion improves, your blood sugar level drops… The kiwi is therefore definitely recommended for daily consumption. The organic version is best, of course, so that you can eat the fruit with its skin on – because all the important nutrients are located directly underneath (as with most types of fruit and vegetables).

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