This Mac App Offers SharePlay Features to Spotify Even Without Being Premium

The Remotion app on Mac allows you to simultaneously listen to your songs with others on Spotify while calling them just like the SharePlay feature would for premium users of the service. This client thus offers a similar experience for people who do not have a Spotify subscription and even allows itself some innovative additions.

Source: Remotion

The arrival of SharePlay on Apple devices seems to have given some developers ideas. This feature that allows users to simultaneously watch or listen to content from FaceTime also includes music on Spotify, but only for premium users. A new application now comes to offer the same possibility for free users.

Remotion, a Spotify client with Shareplay-like features

Remotion is an application for Mac currently in beta that allows you to control Spotify locally to obtain functionality similar to SharePlay. The application allows you to make audio or video calls to chat and even share your screen with your interlocutors while listening to music in sync with them.

According to its creators, Remotion offers a more enjoyable experience than simply streaming audio through a video conferencing application like Zoom. It offers superior audio quality, better individual volume control as well as the ability to edit playlists collectively.

Collaborative music fairs to work differently

The application brings you together in a common living room with a person who will be the “DJ” and who will control the music. It will allow you to pause the song even if you are not the emcee and will then sync with the band when you turn the music back on.

Source: Remotion

The app will also adjust the volume of the music for each participant if you just want to talk over it easily by fading it out gradually before bringing it back when the conversation ends.

If you’re using the app without a Spotify subscription, you’ll still hear the ads before you’re synced with the rest of your group, but it does at least offer a chance for everyone to take advantage of this addition.

The application site indicates that it is currently free during the beta, enough to try it out if you want to form your own opinion.

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