This mistake we often make in the shower when it’s hot

When the weather is hot, taking a shower is often a quick solution to cool down. Be careful, however, not to make this common mistake which produces the opposite effect to that expected.

This Saturday, April 6, 2024, part of France will live an exceptional day. On the program, summer temperatures and plenty of sunshine to enjoy the return of sunny days. Unfortunately, this taste of summer will only be temporary as temperatures will drop quickly afterwards. But this day of good weather is the perfect opportunity to remember what are the right actions to adopt to cool off during the summer.

With global warming, heatwave episodes are becoming more and more numerous during the summer. And when temperatures rise, the heat becomes difficult to bear, especially in cities where pollution and car engines only aggravate the problem. And unsurprisingly, water is our best ally for cooling down.

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Be careful with showers when it’s hot

When we’re too hot, jumping into the shower is a great solution. But on condition of do not take a shower that is too cold. In fact, it can be tempting to soak yourself in ice water to cool your body. However, a shower that is too cold will have the opposite effect since the body will react to the cold to maintain a body temperature of 37°C. As a result, the body will produce heat and you will therefore be even hotter than before the shower.

It is therefore advisable to take a lukewarm shower when it’s hot. Concretely, the water must be cool enough to no longer feel hot but not so cold as to harm the body. This advice also applies to people who have just completed a workout. After physical exertion, the body tends to heat up. And taking a cold shower right after exercise can be dangerous.

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Other tips for cooling off during the summer

Indeed, thermal shock can cause dizziness, heart rhythm disturbances and even heart failure. Reason why it is recommended to wait at least 15 minutes after sports to take a lukewarm shower and not a cold one! Furthermore, to maintain the refreshing effect of the shower for as long as possible, it is recommended not to do not dry yourself with a towel but rather to let the water evaporate naturally on our body.

Using a mister can also help in hot weather. To maximize the effect of a mister, it is recommended to use a small fan to ventilate wet parts of the body. But above all, you have to remember to hydrate well! When it is hot, dehydration threatens us since it is possible to lose up to 1L per hour due to sweating. You should therefore drink abundantly and preferably throughout the day rather than a large quantity 3 times during the day. And as for showering, we avoid drinking cold water since in addition to giving stomach and toothache, cold water reduces the feeling of thirst and therefore limits hydration.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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