This plant is ideal in cases of diseases of the ENT sphere (here is the original way of using it)

To fight against ENT conditions, plants and essential oils are our friends. But there is one plant in particular that can be very effective and you can use it all year round.

ENT diseases are very unpleasant! In winter, a nasty cold or nasopharyngitis can ruin our lives and in spring, pollen allergies are a real nightmare! To properly clean your nose, it is recommended to use sea water or physiological serum. But we can also count on certain plants to relieve our symptoms. Nowadays, it is very easy to obtain essential oilswe still need to know which one to choose depending on our problem.

For example, peppermint is ideal for relieving migraines (to apply to the temples) and lavender is used to relieve stress (you should then put a few drops on the wrists and the back of the hand). And for the respiratory tract, eucalyptus essential oil is perfectly indicated. As a reminder, eucalyptus is a tree native to Australia and its leaves are rich in eucalpyptol. And eucalyptus leaves aren’t just used to feed koalas. They also have many benefits for humans.

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Eucalyptus to relieve ENT diseases

The eucalyptol contained in eucalyptus leaves has a cleansing and decongestant power on the respiratory tract. It is therefore a valuable ally in the event of winter infections. There are several types of eucalyptus essential oils, namely eucalyptus globulus, radiant eucalyptus, lemon eucalyptus, mint eucalyptus and bracted eucalyptus essential oil. Each has its own properties. For example, eucalyptus globulus essential oil is ideal for thinning bronchial secretions.

While eucalyptus essential oil helps to better fight viral infections such as the flu or sinusitis. To use it, you must then place two drops on a neutral tablet and let it melt in the mouth. It is also possible to use eucalyptus inhalations to relieve flu symptoms.

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An original way to use eucalyptus

If eucalyptus essential oil has many benefits, this is also the case eucalyptus leaves. This very pretty plant is easily found at the florist and in addition to being a beautiful decorative object, it has benefits. However, you shouldn’t just leave it in the living room. For the eucalyptus leaf to release its benefits, it must be hung in his bathroom.

In fact, the water vapor generated by the shower or bath will allow the eucalyptus leaves to release their natural oils and therefore their virtues. The ideal is therefore to place a bouquet of eucalyptus in your bathroom and to smell the scents released during washing thanks to the heat of the water. This will greatly soothe your airways and also generate a feeling of well-being. Don’t hesitate to add a few sprigs of lavender or lemongrass to your bouquet for a complete aromatherapy session.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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