This serum lifting redessine the oval of the face and increases the density of the peau de + 21.8%, ideal after 50 years

Pour lifter un ovale du visage qui se relâche et redessiner ses contours, the soins liftants sont idéals. Ultra concentrated in action, the serum anti-âge qui lisse les rides et raffermit the peau is ideal. The information about the problems of the mature people and the results in 2 months of utilization.

After 50 years, there was no content plus the lisser les rides, on the other hand the cutaneous adjustment began to contrast the oval of the visage, which is now two months old. La faute au manque de fermeté qui trouble les contours des mâchoires et du menton. Pour rajeunir son visage illico, a serum liftant is the same approprié. On your recommendation notamment le Sérum Botanique Anti-Âge fermeté Lift Pinaster de la marque Saeve qui parvient à raffermir significativement la peau en seulement 2 mois d’utilisation.

This anti-âge breveté is not particulièrement interesting for les peaux matures après 50 ans, car elles souhaitent non seulement atténuer les rides les plus marquées du visage, mais également agir sur son allure générale en le redessinant. According to clinical studies, the density of the skin increases by +21.8% and increases the production of fibers of collage and elasticity, for a visible skin plus ferme. Capable of offering an effective lifting without bistouri, which responds to all the points of the beautiful mature women, as well as the ideal cream for lifting the oval face of the face.

The suite après this publicity

Quels sont les actifs anti-âge du Sérum Botanique Anti-Âge fermeté Lift Pinaster de Saeve ?

The formula for this anti-age and anti-ride serum contains 90% of natural ingredients. Elle cumule les bienfaits de l’acide hyaluronique végétal fragmenté qui agit en profondeur dans la peau pour combler les rides, les effects antioxidants de l’extrait de pin maritime et les vertus raffermissantes des peptides (en l’occurrence des tripeptides). The texture lactée renferme also the duo of active stars from the brand, the sève fraîche de bouleau organic and the extrait de Chaga organic (un champignon) aux vertus réparatrices and antioxidants hors pair. This is an alliance of actors who are always open to the results.

Comment use this serum to lift the oval of your face?

The manufacturer recommends that you use the machine to a minimum, so you can achieve the results quickly and use the machine at night. You should apply 5 gouts of serum to the chaque fois, en repartissant this dose of the manière suivante on your face: 2 gouttes on the front, 1 on the chaque joue and 1 on the level of the menton. The brand recommends ensuite of the mass of the serum on the face so that the penetration is complete in the skin.

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