this sign will have trouble communicating at the end of May, and it could cause damage

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Communication is not always easy for certain astrological signs. This sign in particular will have a lot of trouble sharing their ideas and feelings: beware of misunderstandings!

If for some astrological signs, communicating is obvious, for others it is sometimes more complicated. Gemini is the king of communication. And for good reason, it is ruled by Mercury, the planet of transmissions and communication. Talkative, popular, funny, clear in their ideas, Gemini has a talent for manipulating words. Other signs have more difficult to externalize their thoughts through speech. We think of the very reserved Scorpio or the shy Pisces, who prefers art or manual activities to express themselves. Other signs occasionally find it difficult to express themselves and must therefore avoid speak without thinking during this period, at the risk of creating misunderstandings or conflicts with the people around him. This is especially the case when Mercury is retrograde! “I remind you that the retrograde is not due to a celestial body suddenly reversing its movement, but a simple “optical” effect due to the fact that we observe the movement of the planets from the earth”, recalls the astrologer Annalisa Angelucci, aufeminin.

Mercury stops retrograde on May 14, 2023, so why does a sign struggle to communicate at the end of the month? He is moved by his desire to express his point of view on many subjects. But by insisting too much, he fails to express his ideas clearlyworse, he holds his own and can be aggressive… It is Capricorn who will have to pay attention to his words at the end of May 2023.

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Capricorn will have trouble communicating at the end of May

Capricorn is a go-getter sign, particularly hard-working and ambitious. He often goes it alone in the professional world. He is very fond of his entourage and his restricted circle of friends. In May 2023, Capricorn puts love almost at the center of his attention. “But love could push them to start a phase of analysis or to initiate profound changes. Around the 20th, avoid wanting to impose your point of view on the other at all costs if you want to avoid quarrels and conflicts” , advises Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin.

It’s not just about love. Indeed, it is the whole period around May 20 that could be delicate with regard to relationships with others: “we must avoid wanting to manipulate and control everything, otherwise the situation could quickly deteriorate.” Capricorn must be patient because the situation will improve over time.

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