This specific type of egg is not recommended for health, according to a doctor (and it’s very surprising)

With the return of sunny days, eggs are present in a different way in our daily diet. If we like to eat this food, a doctor explains to us what type of eggs we should avoid eating since it is not recommended for our health.

Eggs are an integral part of our diet. If in winter we prefer them hot, whether soft-boiled or scrambled, in summer we eat them hard or soft in light salads. An ingredient found in every cupboard, it is also essential in the preparation of cakes, cakes, tarts or pancake batters for example. Very often used, many questions surround the consumption of this type of food: its shelf life, its expiration date, but also its origin. Some very simple tips are also available to know, for example, if an egg is still good.

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If we think we know everything about egg consumption, a nutritionist provides us with new information. In fact, for several years now, organic has continued to take an increasingly important place in our diet. The craze for this type of product is constantly evolving in a booming market, even if in recent months we have noticed a slight slowdown. A consumer trend that is also noticeable for this type of food.

Organic eggs: a bad idea

If organic eggs are perceived as being healthier and more ethical than traditional eggs, a nutritionist doctor, Arnaud Cocaul, did not hesitate to give his opinion on this idea. According to him, it is rather preferable not to consume this type of eggs, but why? Although they seem more attractive and more responsible, because they are respectful of the environment and animal welfare, organic eggs present certain health risks according to the professional.

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The soils are currently contaminated by all the pesticides, herbicides and fungicides that we throw around. The safest eggs currently are eggs from confined hens, that is to say eggs from hens that have been raised in a battery and supervised with monitored nutritional intake.» He explains in an interview with Yahoo before continuing: “So you see that between ethics and reality, it’s complicated.» An analysis which may seem worrying if it is not fortunately counterbalanced by all the advantages and benefits of its consumption.

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Eggs: the benefits perceived by the body

Whether organic or not, eggs have many health benefits: “Concretely, one egg provides ten grams of protein. It is not expensive. So it’s a source of protein that is very interesting for people with an extremely tight food budget.» Explains the specialist. But these are not its only advantages. In addition to having a very good nutritional intake, eggs improve cardiovascular health, help reduce bad cholesterol levels, are good for eye health and help regulate weight.

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So if you are not allergic to eggs, don’t hesitate any longer and include them in your daily diet, your body will thank you!

The people? A whole world! Passionate about media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, Jessica naturally turned to writing and takes…

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