this sport that she loves to practice to “evacuate stress”

With her busy schedule, Julia Vignali likes to relieve pressure through sport. The host reveals the sport she loves to practice to stay in shape and let off steam.

At the head ofDeal Done and a radio show on Europe 1 at the weekend, Julia Vignali has a busy schedule and multiple projects. The key according to her to successfully achieving all her goals? A precise organization. The host is also releasing a book from the Paperback editions on February 15, Goodbye damn!: How to save time, money and moments of happinessin which she shares her advice for organizing your daily life and reconciling her very busy professional schedule with her private life.

During an interview, Julia Vignali tells us that she attaches great importance to taking time for herself, to find herself but also to relieve stress and pressure. She reveals to us in particular her sporting habits, which allow her to stay in shape at 48 years old.

“It’s essential as we age to strengthen our muscles”

Julia Vignali is a Thai box fan : “At my age, we recommend pilates, but for me what makes me feel good and allows me to relieve stress is hitting and going to the ring” the host tells us. Also called foot and fist boxing, Thai box is a very complete sport to combine cardio and muscle strengthening. It also helps improve endurance and tone different muscles: arms, legs, back, but also the entire abdominal area. Very intense, this practice is also ultra-effective for burning as many calories as possible.

Julia Vignali also tells us that she is convinced by the benefits walkingbut not being regular enough in your practice: “I know I don’t walk enough, yet it’s essential for fitness. This is my good resolution for 2024”! In fact, walking enough every day helps improve your cardiovascular health, the elimination of toxins, the drainage of lymph and even the work of digestion.

Head of beauty/fitness/nutrition sections

After working for the Marie Claire and Prisma Media groups, Inès arrived at aufeminin in April 2022. Responsible for the beauty, fitness and nutrition sections, she likes to decipher the latest…

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